I'm a self proclamed and self taught artist and programmer. I grew up with a keyboard in my hands and a screen in
my face. My favorite color is vegitation green, but I also love red and blue. I'm making the website I would have
loved as a kid, gathering various bits and bobs to add to my collection. This website isn't congruous, rather a
scrapbook I keep adding pages to based on my whims. This isn't a professional website by any stretch of the
imagination. My links are below if you want to learn more about me!
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comp sci
lunch meat
I'm autistic, and I'm working on getting my degree in Data Science. I find the field as a whole very interesting,
and data science has rekindled my love of coding in general. As a kid, I loved to code but over the years I grew
tired of it, since I was pressured into learning it academically rather than for fun. Working on my tumblr blog
made me relearn what originally drew me to coding in the first place- having fun!